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Have You Heard about Dental Implants in Kent and the Same Day Tooth Technique?
Are you currently having problems with one or more of your teeth, or perhaps you have to wear a single tooth denture or have a crown or bridge that is failing? If so you might be...
What Can I Expect When Having Dermal Fillers in Kent?
Opting to have dermal fillers in Kent may seem like a huge step to take, especially the first time you have this innovative treatment. In fact it's nothing to be worried about,...
Diabetics and Dental Implant in Kent
Diabetes is a real problem, as an estimated three million people in the UK have been diagnosed with this condition. Diabetes is a systemic disease, meaning it affects the whole...
Dermal Fillers in Kent: Do you know what they can do For You?
In the past dental surgeries used to offer general dental treatments that were focused largely on preventative and restorative dental care. Things have changed somewhat, and...
I’ve Read that Tooth Loss May Lead to Memory Loss, so will Dental Implant in Kent Help?
You may have recently seen a very worrying headline in one of the major tabloids, linking tooth loss to memory loss. While many of us may joke about losing our memory if we do...
Ask about Preventative Dental Care
And Avoiding the need for Dental Implants in Kent While it is true that Parrock Street is a major provider of dental implants in Kent, our services are far more wide ranging, and...