Is Flossing the Way to Avoid Needing Dental Implant in Kent?

Oct 25, 2013 | Dental Implants, Treatments

Well it will certainly help, as flossing is one of the best ways to help keep your gums healthy and free from disease. Having the correct flossing technique, and taking the time to do it every day, will help remove much of the plaque and food particles that can build up on your teeth and gums during the day. The reason why flossing is so important is that it is able to reach areas where your toothbrush simply can’t get to. Even if you have a brush with a relatively small head, it will still not be able to get in between each tooth. These contact areas between the teeth are particularly vulnerable to tooth decay, and to gum disease.

Floss Your Teeth - Dental Implant Kent
Whenever you floss, you need to make sure the floss reaches right down to and just below the gum line. This is the point where the tooth meets the gum, and is one of the areas where plaque can build up if not regularly removed. It is important to floss every day as plaque can soon harden into tartar, a hard yellowish substance that will have to be scraped away during your check-up and professional cleaning at Parrock Dental and Implant Centre. Tartar also does a great job of irritating and infecting the gums, causing inflammation, bleeding and tenderness that are the early signs of gum disease.

What Happens if You Don’t Floss?

If you fail to floss, or tend to only floss when you can feel you have something stuck in between your teeth, then you are greatly increasing your chances of developing gum disease, and your chances of needing dental implant in Kent.

The build-up of tartar and plaque on your teeth will create more and more inflammation in the gums as your body tries to fight back against the infection, and it is this inflammation that will cause the most damage to your gums, and to the bone and ligaments surrounding your teeth. There are various treatments for chronic gum disease, a condition called periodontal disease, but these can be expensive and will need to be carried out as part of an on-going treatment plan as chronic disease cannot be cured. Eventually these tissues will be destroyed, and your teeth will become loose,, and by this stage there will be very little that Dr Rik Trivedi, or any of our dentists will be able to do to save them.

Why let things get to this stage when we can help you. If you find it difficult to floss then ask us for help and advice. We take preventative dental care very seriously and we always have the time to offer practical advice. Call us no on 01474 537191, or why not fill in our enquiry form online at  and request a call back?