What techniques can I use to calm myself for my dental appointment?

Mar 18, 2013 | Nervous Patients

Feeling nervous about visiting the dentist in Kent? If you’re afraid of the dentist, it’s undoubtedly the last thing you want to do. But don’t panic! It’s best not to avoid dental visits as they’re important for your oral health and could make any existing problems worse. Instead, it’s recommended that you try some calming techniques to keep yourself relaxed during the appointment.

Some of the these techniques include monitoring your breathing and focusing on the positive sides of the dental visit. If you’ve always had a dental phobia, acknowledge that any previous bad experiences that happened to you were the result of fear and of being hurt.

Modern dentistry has moved on a lot and the focus is on making you the patient feel as relaxed and calm as possible so that your dental treatment is made easy. One of the ways in which this can be achieved is through the use of dental sedation in Kent. Intravenous or IV sedation is given by injection into either the back of the hand or into the arm.

Once administered into the bloodstream, you will feel drowsy and unaware of the treatment that’s taking place. At the same time you will also be able to co-operate with the dentist and what they’re telling you. Due to the side effects lasting for quite a while, it’s recommended that you bring a friend with you for support, or if you need a lift home afterwards.

Dr Rik Trivedi is the Principal Dentist at Parrock Dental and Implant Centre. He can treat nervous patients in Kent and put their mind at ease before undergoing dental treatment. As an experienced dentist and a NLP practitioner of dental anxiety and phobias, you can feel assured that you’ll feel relaxed and calm before your dental procedure.

If you’re looking for a gentle caring dentist, then please contact Parrock Dental and Implant Centre on 01474 537 191 to book an appointment. Our opening hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 8pm, Friday from 9am to 3pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm.