Ways of Replacing Missing Teeth: Are Dental Implant in Kent Right for You?

Oct 27, 2013 | Dental Implants, Treatments

If you are missing teeth then Dr Rik Trivedi, or any dentist in Kent will always recommend replacing them, but the choice of how to do so is largely down to you. The simplest way, and the most cost effective method, is to have a denture that can replace a few teeth, or all your teeth if necessary. Alternatively you may want to opt for a bridge that is either cemented to existing teeth, or which is held in place by dental implants. You can also use dental implants to hold single crowns or even a denture. Many dentists in Kent think of dental implants as being the gold standard for replacing missing teeth, but does this necessarily mean they are the right choice for you?

Things to Consider About Dental Implants in Kent

Dental implants are the most permanent way of replacing missing teeth, but some people may be concerned about the surgical procedure involved in inserting the posts into the jawbone. The time taken to insert a single implant is pretty short, ranging from half an hour to an hour, and you will be kept comfortably anaesthetised during this time. If you have dental phobias or are particularly scared about dental treatment, then Dr Trivedi may well be able to help you through offering extra sedation.

Dental implants will not affect any existing teeth, unlike bridges that are supported by existing teeth, and partial dentures that may need metal clasps that fit around natural teeth. They are also good for helping to preserve the bone in your jaw, as the jawbone surrounding your implants will receive stimulation from the implant posts which helps to promote the growth of new bone cells.

While they are great, and many people will find them well worth the effort, it would be pointless to think dental implant in Kent will be the best choice for everyone. If you have any medical conditions that affect your immune system (for example diabetes) then you might find an alternative method of tooth replacement a better bet. If you smoke and really don’t want to give up, even for a while, then your risk of implant failure will increase significantly.

The best way to find out if you would benefit from dental implants or if an alternative solution might be better is to ask Dr Trivedi. You can ask questions through filling out our enquiry form at www.parrockdental.co.uk or you could just give us a call on 01474 537191, to book your consultation.